Tag Archives: wildfire

UC ANR Announces Prescribed Fire, Cultural Burning Get Liability Support to Reduce Wildfire Risks in California

Sierra National Forest Dinkey South understory spring prescribed fire

A Prescribed Burn (USFS file photo)

First-of-its-kind fund to offset losses if prescribed or cultural burn damages property

June 22, 2023 – By Pamela Kan-Rice – The State of California rolled out a first-of-its-kind approach to curbing the state’s catastrophic wildfire problem on June 19 by providing new protections for prescribed fire and cultural burning practitioners. The $20 million allocated for the “Prescribed Fire Liability Claims Fund Pilot” will cover losses in the rare instance that a prescribed or cultural burn escapes control.

California Senator Bill Dodd authored the 2022 bill (Senate Bill 926) that made this fund possible, continuing his many years of leadership on wildfire and prescribed fire-related legislation.

“Prescribed fire is a cost-effective way to minimize the scope and severity of wildfires,” said Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa. “It’s a tool that has been used for millennia by Native American tribes and one that will continue to play a big role in wildfire prevention. The rollout of this fund is a big step toward keeping California communities safe.”

The use of prescribed fire and cultural burning — sometimes collectively called “good” or “beneficial” fire — is a key component of wildfire risk management in California. These projects reduce hazardous fuels, help restore ecological and cultural values, and make our communities safer and our ecosystems more resilient to wildfire. However, lack of liability insurance for practitioners has been a major barrier to increasing the use of prescribed fire, even as firefighters, fire scientists, at-risk communities and state, federal and tribal leaders call for more.

The Prescribed Fire Claims Fund pilot project removes a significant barrier to obtaining insurance for potential damages from a prescribed fire or cultural burn conducted by a certified prescribed fire burn boss or a cultural fire practitioner,” said CAL FIRE Director/Chief Joe Tyler. “As we continue to focus on increasing the resiliency of the state’s forests, creating a pathway for private burn bosses to have the significant protection this claims fund provides is a critical step toward reaching the goals of the Governor’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan.”

The fund will provide up to $2 million in coverage for prescribed fire projects led by a qualified burn boss or cultural practitioner. The fund is meant to demonstrate that prescribed fire, when carefully planned, resources and implemented, is a low-risk land management tool that mitigates the larger, more damaging risks of high-severity wildfires. The fund is the first of its kind nationally and is the result of several years of collaboration by a diversity of partners working with Senator Dodd’s Office, including The Nature Conservancy, CAL FIRE, the University of California Cooperative Extension, the California Department of Insurance, tribal representatives and many others.

“Launching this program is a key step in scaling ecologically based forest management to reduce the risk of megafires. We appreciate Senator Dodd’s leadership and the expedient work of CAL FIRE and beneficial fire practitioners to develop this fund as the next fire season quickly approaches,” said Dan Porter, The Nature Conservancy’s Forest Program director.

The fund will also advance cultural burning, helping Indigenous Californians restore their connection to fire.

“Cultural burning is an essential practice to meet diverse objectives, including biodiversity stewardship, ecological health and community safety. The availability of this pilot fund provides cultural fire practitioners a safeguard against financial risk in the unlikely event of an escaped burn. This is a significant incentive to support revitalization of burning traditions following the legacy of policies banning such practices,” said Don Hankins, professor of geography and planning at CSU Chico and co-founder of the Indigenous Stewardship Network.

This fund is part of a larger vision for restoring beneficial fire across California’s fire-adapted ecosystems. Last year, the state released its Strategic Plan for Expanding the Use of Beneficial Fire, which identified this claims fund as a priority. The state has also rolled out a state-certified burn boss program, changed the liability standard for prescribed fire, and made investments in prescribed burn associations, agency staffing, and other related efforts.

“We are using every tool to protect Californians, including using prescribed fire to fight wildfires,” said Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara. “The Prescribed Fire Claims fund will be critical to assisting our tribal groups, nonprofits and private landowners who are leading the way. This is an example of government being innovative and leading by example. The data that we get from the claims fund is going to be essential to our on-going education with insurance companies to support insuring this important work.”

Lenya Quinn-Davidson, Fire Network director for the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, says the recent momentum is unparalleled.

“Californians are desperate to have a better relationship with fire, and only with innovative approaches like this claims fund will we be able to unleash the good work that needs to happen,” said Quinn-Davidson. “It’s a challenging time to be working on fire in California, but also an incredibly inspiring time.”

More information about the Pilot Prescribed Fire Claims Fund can be found on the CAL FIRE Website at https://www.fire.ca.gov/what-we-do/natural-resource-management/prescribed-fire, including frequently asked questions and an enrollment form for practitioners.

Source: UC ANR



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CAL FIRE Shows How Home Hardening Can Help Build Stronger, More Fire Resilient Homes After 2018 Camp Fire



May 29, 2023 – CAL FIRE officials report that the town of Paradise knows better than any the devastating effects of an ember-driven wildfire when it Cal fireenters a town.

Resident, Casey Taylor, lost her home in 2018 Camp Fire, the deadliest in California’s history. However, using scientifically proven and demonstrated home hardening and defensible space measures, she is building back with a stronger and more fire resilient home.

Just like Casey, you too can prepare your home and property for wildfire. Small measures can make a big difference that could ultimately save your house in the event of a wildfire.

View video here.

Source: CAL FIRE





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Woodpecker Guides Post-Fire Forest Management

The Sierra Nevada in Northern California comes back to life after a wildfire. Photo by Jean Hall.

Woodpecker Guides Post-Fire Forest Management

New tool turns science into action

For release: April 25, 2023

Ithaca, NY—What’s good for the Black-backed Woodpecker is good for restoration of burned California forests. The birds’ unique relationship with fire underpins the latest research into improved post-fire management. A study published in Ecological Applications describes a new tool that factors how fires burn into forest management decisions and turns science into action for wildlife conservation.

“Wildfire is like a 10,000-piece puzzle, and climate change is rearranging the pieces,” said lead author Andrew Stillman with the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “Gigantic, severe fires are becoming the new norm in California due to drought, longer burn seasons, and dense forests. But birds do really well in landscapes that are ‘pyrodiverse’– areas where fire results in uneven patches burned at high, medium, and low severity.”

What pyrodiversity looks like: a mosaic of burned, partially burned, and living trees after a wildfire in Montana.
Photo by Jeremy Roberts, www.ConservationMedia.com

Black-backed Woodpeckers love pyrodiversity. They prefer to build their nest cavities in newly burned areas after high severity fire. But they also like to be adjacent to an area that burned at low intensity where their young can hide from predators among living trees that still provide cover. The species’ unique habitat associations means that they are sensitive to the removal of trees after fire, and forest managers use information on the woodpecker to guide their post-fire planning.

After a wildfire, forest managers face difficult decisions about how to best protect and restore the burned areas while balancing the needs of people and wildlife. Sometimes there isn’t time to survey wildlife in burned areas, making it hard to choose where to invest in wildlife conservation. To address this need, the researchers developed an online tool to predict the potential abundance of Black-backed Woodpeckers after fire. Incorporating new information on the value of pyrodiversity made the underlying models more accurate.

Black-backed Woodpecker at its nest in a burned tree. Photo by Jeremy Roberts, www.ConservationMedia.com

“The tool we’ve created uses data from 11 years of surveys to predict where woodpeckers could be found in the greatest numbers using data available within months after a fire burns,” said Stillman. “The birds move in to take advantage of a boom in juicy beetle larvae in the burned trees.”

The online tool uses many layers of information, starting with a satellite-derived layer of burn severity that forest managers can upload. That layer is then used to assess pyrodiversity based on how much forest canopy has been lost. Other datasets on woodpecker home ranges, vegetation type, latitude, longitude, elevation, years since a fire burned, and more, are also integrated.

The new tool will save time and effort after a wildfire and is meant for forest managers, conservationists, and private landowners. It is hosted by The Institute for Bird Populations in partnership with the USDA Forest Service. Though currently set up for California, the methods hold promise for other regions and species.

“A burned forest is a unique, incredible, and complicated ecosystem that bursts with new life,” Stillman said. “At first you think everything is dead. The ground is ash. The trees are black. But as you start walking around, you find that the place is alive. It’s not dead, just changed.”

Andrew N. Stillman, Robert L. Wilkerson, Danielle R. Kaschube, Rodney B. Siegel, Sarah C. Sawyer, and Morgan W. Tingley. Incorporating pyrodiversity into wildlife habitat assessments for rapid post-fire management: a woodpecker case study. Ecological Applications. April 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2853

This research was funded by the Joint Fire Science Program of the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Forest Service, the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, and The Institute for Bird Populations.


EditorsDownload images. The use of this material is protected by copyright. Use is permitted only within stories about the content of this release. Redistribution or any other use is prohibited without express written permission of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology or the copyright owner.

Media Contact:
Pat Leonard, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, (607) 254-2137, pel27@cornell.edu



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Over the Garden Fence – Planting Conifers for Post-Fire Forest Restoration

Planting Conifers for Post-Fire Forest Restoration 


March 14, 2023 – Ron Allen, UC Master Gardener, Mariposa County – The Oak Fire (July 2022) devastated large parts of the ponderosa pine forest in the mountains east of Mariposa. Wooded Over the Garden Fencelandscapes on private properties and substantial areas of the adjoining Sierra National Forest were affected. This article explains how to plant conifer seedlings for post-fire forest restoration.

The conifer plant materials for reforestation are not large potted or crated trees, but rather seedlings in smaller tree pots or plugs. Potted seedlings—about one- to two-feet high—still come in standard, cylindrical one-gallon nursery containers, but are nowadays more commonly grown in tapered, ribbed plastic containers which are square in cross-section. These small trees are typically two to three years old. The plugs are smaller, cylindrical tubes, about two inches in diameter. Plug trees are cheaper, less hardy, and generally only a year old post-germination.

When purchasing pot or plug seedlings, it is tempting to select plants that are taller, anticipating that they will grow sooner to a desired height. But, instead, one should favor plants that are thicker at their base; they have a higher success rate for survival, owing to the likelihood of their having better root structures. Seedling survival is the key.

MG OTGF Tree starters smPlanting a potted seedling is straightforward. Clear the spot of any slash to expose the underlying soil. A site on the shady side of a stump or log is perfect. With a post-hole shovel (a drain spade), dig a hole about twice the volume of the tree pot and deep enough so that the pot soil matches the surrounding ground level. Tip the potted plant over, letting it slide out, and settle it into the hole. Refill the hole with native soil.

In the case of a very hot local fire—indicated by the presence of white ash in the immediate area—add some mycorrhizal fungi soil amendments. Otherwise, native soil is best for refill. Level off the spot around the plant.

Planting a plug seedling is similar, but the hole is much smaller. It is important to ensure that the lower portion of the plug is firmly surrounded by soil when the hole is closed. Professional foresters—with many plugs to put down–use a special tool, called a hoedad, for this purpose. The hoedad is a short-handled hoe with an elongated blade. The planter strikes the blade into the ground and wiggles the handle to and fro so as to create a v-shaped indentation. The seedling plug is dropped into the depression. Then the hoedad is struck again into the ground adjacent to the plug and the handle pressed down, so that the deep blade closes the lower soil around the plug’s lower roots. With a stomp of the boot from above, the forester closes the planting hole. An accomplished forester does this in 30 seconds.

Pot or plug seedlings should be separated by ten to twelve feet for reforestation projects. If the target landscape is well-watered, the survival rate is approximately 75 percent. When the landscape water is less reliable, the survival rate falls to about 30 percent.

Appropriate conifers for reforestation after the Oak Fire are Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Knobcone Pine, Incense Cedar, and Douglas Fir. Future reforestation articles will cover broadleaf tree reforestation, post-fire planting of shrubs, and meadow restoration.



Related: Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 5

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 4

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 3

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 2

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery



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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on How Does Wildfire Impact Wildlife and Forests?

October 16,  2022 – By Meghan Snow – Seeing a forest recently burned in a wildfire can be jarring. Green is replaced by shades of gray. The land is quiet. The sunshine feels hotter. However, it’s not long before the forest comes back to life.

“Wildlife is incredibly resilient,” said Stephanie Eyes, a senior wildlife biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office. “California has a long history with wildfire, and many species adapted to endure it.”

Eyes has evaluated the impacts of wildfire on wildlife for more than a decade. Before joining the Service, she worked for Yosemite National Park, surveying the impacts of fire on California spotted owl. Today, she uses data collected on wildfires to determine the impact on habitat for endangered, threatened and at-risk species living in the Sierra Nevada.

Fires burn at different heat levels, can be large or small, and cause varying impacts on the land, wildlife, and nearby communities. Topography, the amount of dry vegetation present and weather factor into how large and damaging the fire becomes. Low-intensity fires burn close to the ground, “cleaning” and thinning the forest by removing thick and flammable vegetation from the forest floor. High-severity fires burn with high heat, climb into and remove the tree canopy, and can scorch the soil and tree roots. At a large scale, high-severity fires can be incredibly damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem. Mosaic fires are a mix of mostly low-intensity fire with patches of high- and moderate-severity fire and some unburned forest. Wildlife can survive, and even thrive, in areas that experience mosaic fires.

forest fire final credit USFWS

When wildfires erupt, animals do their best to move out of the direct path of the flames while staying close to home if they can find safe refuge.

“Wildlife will move around their home area, avoiding the smoke and actively burning areas until it’s safe to return,” explained Eyes. 

Some animals, like frogs and rodents, don’t move far. They’ll retreat into deep underground burrows where they are protected from the heat. Fish and frogs will swim to the deepest parts of their stream or lake. If the fire is burning just a few feet high, birds and animals that can climb will sometimes go up into the branches and tree canopy to avoid the flames. Fishers may crawl into a tree cavity for protection. Other animals, like deer and bears, will move around the forest until the flames subside.

“When I was working in Yosemite, there was a female California spotted owl who weathered several wildfires. We were always concerned about her, but she would still be there, year-after-year,” said Eyes. 

But when a high-severity fire burns across a large landscape, it moves fast and climbs through the tree canopy. Wildlife has a more challenging time finding refuge from these flames.

“Wildlife have adapted to deal with smaller fires, and unfortunately, sometimes they can’t escape these recent, big fires,” said Eyes.

The Service listed the southern Sierra Nevada fisher in 2019 and the Sierra Nevada red fox in 2021, both as endangered species. High-severity wildfires were identified among the leading threats to the ongoing survival of both species due to loss of habitat and elimination of safe movement corridors. As climate change prolongs periods of drought, forests and the species that live there will continue to face the threat of large, high-severity wildfires.


Over the past seven years, high-severity wildfires burned thousands of acres across California. Unprecedented drought mixed with mid-summer lightning storms ignited wildfires so large they created their own weather systems. While many areas burned severely, pockets of forest continue to thrive.

Nancy Kelly, a wildlife biologist for the U.S. Forest Service’s Sequoia National Forest, has worked for more than 20 years surveying and studying wildlife habitat.

“The adaptability of wildlife continues to surprise me,” said Kelly. “They can make do with what’s left after a fire.”

As a wildlife biologist, Kelly advises staff at Sequoia National Forest on ways to reduce the impact of management activities, such as prescribed burns and tree thinning projects, on endangered, threatened and at-risk species.

“Initially, fire is a big deal. It changes how species interact with their habitat for a long time,” said Kelly. “But fire is a tool that nature has been using for eons to keep ecosystems intact.”

After low-intensity fires, grasses and ferns are the first to come back, aided by newly enriched soil from the ashes of burned leaves, plants, and woody debris, as well as sunlight that can now reach the forest floor. Trees are still alive and sprout new leaves during the next growing season. Their intact root systems prevent soil from eroding into nearby streams and lakes.

“We have seen populations of sensitive plants double after a fire because they like the open canopy,” said Kelly. 

It doesn’t take long for wildlife to start using low-intensity burn areas. New grasses, ferns and fallen branches provide just enough coverage for mice and squirrels to feel safe as they scavenge for seeds dropped during the fire. Their presence attracts owls, fishers, foxes and other animals that take advantage of newly opened areas on the forest floor to spot prey. Tender grass shoots provide food for herbivores like deer and rabbits. Amphibians scramble back to their waterfront homes to feast on insects that have also returned.

“We will see wildlife come back through the area as it cools back down,” said Kelly. “They’re curious like we are. They take advantage of the new growth and other food sources that are available after the burn.”

Regrowth after a large-scale, high-severity fire looks different. Some of the soil is scorched to a degree that tree roots underneath the surface are burned, killing the tree. Ash from leaves and woody debris may take longer to breakdown and enrich the soil to a point that vegetation can sprout from the ground. Rain can often cause the soil to erode into nearby waterways. Muddy waters result in less clean water sources for animals to drink from and can also bury amphibian and fish eggs before they hatch.

“While these high-severity burn areas look like moonscapes, they are not completely devoid of life. It’s just different life,” explained Kelly. 

Woodboring beetles start colonizing the freshly burnt trees. Woodpeckers move in to eat the beetles. The dead trees fall, their ash providing much needed nutrients to restore the soil.

“Unfortunately, in some of these large, high-severity burns, we’re seeing more invasive grasses and weeds grow because they can survive in less ideal conditions,” said Kelly. “These species can outcompete native grasses and plants for water and light.”

One native plant, mountain white thorn, grows low to the ground when forest canopies are present. But after a high-severity fire, the shrub can regrow to heights over 6 feet. Their growth then blocks sunlight to tree seedlings sprouting from the ground, and the landscape can transition from forestland to scrubland.

Kelly explained that sometimes the animal life after a fire transitions, too.

“This year, we’ve seen red-tailed hawks and other grassland bird species because we have more open area now,” she said. “Until trees come back, I expect that we’ll continue to see these grassland and open area species in the mountains.”


More than 100 years could pass before large trees return to the landscape after a high-severity fire, and some species can’t survive without the forest canopy, even if they try.

“California spotted owls can find places to perch, but they can’t find good places for nesting,” said Eyes. “Just like us, if they don’t have a roof over their heads, they’ll leave.”

Fishers also avoid the open landscapes, which leave them vulnerable to predators as they move between their dens and scavenging grounds. Fishers often travel miles looking for food, mates and good reproductive habitat, but high-severity wildfires can often cut off those safe travel corridors, restricting them to smaller and smaller ranges and reducing their chances of finding a mate and enough prey.

Luckily, agencies like the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management work to restore habitat after large fires like these.

“If a prescribed burn can be used to reduce the risk of a high-severity fire or vegetation can be planted immediately after the fire, the wildlife will typically come back,” said Eyes.

The Sequoia National Forest conducts a variety of activities aimed at reducing the risk of large-scale, high-severity fire, such as prescribed burns, brush management projects and thinning overgrown groves of trees. Kelly works with biologists at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine ways to minimize the impact on listed species in the area. While the projects cause some minor disruption while they’re taking place, the period is usually short and much less disruptive and damaging than a high-severity fire.

Kelly and her team also support the restoration of burned landscapes by replanting native vegetation and trees on open slopes and near streams to reduce erosion and jump start the process of bringing the area back to life.

“The forests provide the food, water and shelter for wildlife, but they’re also important to humans,” said Kelly. “By taking care of the forests, we’re also taking care of our air, water sources and communities.”
Source: USFWS



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