Tag Archives: mariposa county

CAL FIRE Announces Hazard Reduction Burning Allowed with Valid Permit in Madera, Mariposa, and Merced Counties Beginning Wednesday, November 15, 2023

November 8, 2023 – Mariposa – The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit (MMU) has announced effective at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Cal fireNovember 15 hazard reduction burning will be allowed, with a valid CAL FIRE burn permit, in Madera, Mariposa, and Merced Counties.

Burn permits can be obtained online by visiting Burnpermit.fire.ca.gov or by visiting your local CAL FIRE station.

Burn permits allow residents to burn grass, pine needles, down trees and limbs and dead dry vegetation in 4×4 piles.

For piles larger than 4×4, residents can obtain a LE-5 burn permit.

Property owners conducting hazard reduction burning are responsible for checking the burn day status. Elevations in which burning is allowed may change.

Mariposa County: Burn Day Information Line: 209-966-1200

Mariposa County Air Pollution Control District: 209-966-2220

Madera County: Burn Day Information Line: 877-429-2876

Hazard reduction burning Conditions of Use are listed on the permit and must be followed at all times.

For more information visit ReadyForWildfire.org or fire.ca.gov

Source: CAL FIRE



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CAL FIRE to Hold Virtual Public Workshop on California Wildfire and Landscape Interagency Treatment Dashboard on November 14, 2023

November 8, 2023 – As California takes bold steps towards achieving its ambitious wildfire and landscape resilience goals, two crucial elements emerge – transparency and efficient planning tools. The Golden State is taking a giant leap forward with the beta version of the California Wildfire and Landscape Interagency Treatment Dashboard!

The Treatment Dashboard displays wildfire and landscape resilience projects from state and federal agencies in a single web-based interactive tool. Now that some time has passed since the Dashboard’s beta release, we want to hear from users and gather input to improve how data is accessed and displayed to ensure we are providing transparency and effective planning information on statewide wildfire resilience treatments.

Explore the Dashboard and learn more about the Dashboard and register to join us at the virtual public workshop on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, from 2:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. https://wildfiretaskforce.org/treatment-dashboard.

Source: CAL FIRE

CAL FIRE workshop




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California’s cycle of relentless heat and drought conditions make wildfires an ever-present risk


🔥 California’s cycle of relentless heat and drought conditions make wildfires an ever-present risk. In the past five years, we witnessed the most destructive wildfire seasons in California’s history. This serves as a crucial reminder that wildfires can strike anytime. Don’t wait for a disaster to unfold; stay prepared, be ready to evacuate early, and have a 5-minute plan in place for a safe and swift escape.


For more safety tips, visit firefightersonyourside.org.


#WildfireSafety #DisasterPrep #CBODirect #EvacuateEarly



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Historic Conservation Funding for California’s Farms, Ranches, and Wetlands Available – Apply by November 13, 2023

Interested agricultural landowners have until November 13 to apply for the available funding

October 6, 2023 – USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)  is currently accepting applications for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Interested landowners have until November 13, 2023 to apply for this special funding through IRA. Applications will compete nationally and must meet target conditions and be located within the identified National Priority Areas.

“We are excited to support California’s producers with an historic investment in climate beneficial conservation this Fiscal Year,” said NRCS California State Conservationist Carlos Suarez. “With the addition of the Inflation Reduction Act, we will be able to help landowners conserve and protect a great number of prime farmlands, ranchlands, and healthy wetlands for the benefit of all.”

The NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) helps landowners, land trusts, and other entities protect, restore, and enhance wetlands or protect working farms and ranches through conservation easements. ACEP has two components:

  • Agricultural Land Easements (ACEP-ALE) help private and tribal landowners, land trusts, and other entities such as state and local governments protect croplands and grasslands on working farms and ranches by limiting non-agricultural uses of the land through conservation easements.
  • Wetland Reserve Easements (ACEP-WRE) help private and tribal landowners protect, restore and enhance wetlands which have been previously degraded due to agricultural uses.

IRA prioritizes eligible land that will most reduce, capture, avoid, or sequester carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide emissions. For Fiscal Year 2024 (October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, the following program-eligible areas are prioritized:


  • Highly organic soils that will optimize the soil carbon sequestration potential and prevent increased greenhouse gas emissions through the maintenance of existing non-cultivated areas, restoration of previously cultivated areas to perennial vegetative cover, and restoration of the natural hydrology to keep the soils saturated and anaerobic.
  • Prior converted or degraded wetlands that will be restored to native riparian forests.
  • Approved localized priorities: a) Montane wet meadows and b) Ephemeral wetlands.


  • Program-eligible agricultural lands currently classified as grassland or native vegetation (e.g. sagebrush) where NRCS has identified a high threat of conversion to a non-grassland use.
  • Program-eligible cropland or grassland where NRCS has identified a high threat of conversion to a non-agricultural use.
  • Active agricultural rice cultivation on subsiding highly organic soils.

ACEP-WRE includes permanent easements that pay 100 percent of the easement value and restoration costs, and 30-year easements that pay up to 75 percent of the easement value and restoration costs.  ACEP-ALE includes permanent easements based on a fair market appraisal of the easement value as determine by an independent appraiser. Application will compete nationally for available funding through the IRA.

While NRCS accepts ACEP applications throughout the year, the agency plans to make Fiscal Year funding decisions from the pool of applications funded through IRA by December 22, 2023. As with all NRCS easements, the landowner retains the title to the land, and the right to control access and recreational use. The land remains on the tax rolls.

For more information on ACEP, landowners can contact their local NRCS Service Center or visit here.

Since its inception in 1935, NRCS has worked in partnership with private landowners and a variety of local, state and federal conservation partners to deliver conservation based on specific, local needs.

Source: NRCS



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California Launches Online Tool to Track Wildfire Resilience Projects

rcrc93September 3, 2023 – The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) reports the Governor’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force (Task Force) has launched the beta version of a first-of-its-kind Interagency Treatment Dashboard that displays the size and location of state and federal forest and landscape resilience projects in California.

The dashboard offers a one-stop-shop to access data, provide transparency, and align the efforts of more than a dozen agencies to build resilient landscapes and communities in California. It reports treatment activities such as prescribed fire, targeted grazing, uneven-aged timber harvest, mechanical and hand fuels reduction, and tree planting. Users can sort treatments by region, county, land ownership and more.

The dashboard is an important step to increase the pace and scale of statewide actions addressing California’s wildfire crisis and is a key deliverable of the Governor’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan, issued by the Task Force in January 2021.

The beta version of the dashboard will continue to be refined to include additional data, including projects by local and tribal entities, along with revisions based on public feedback. An official launch is expected in spring 2024 with more complete data on projects implemented in 2022.

The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) is a thirty-seven member county strong service organization that champions policies on behalf of California’s rural counties. RCRC is dedicated to representing the collective unique interests of its membership, providing legislative and regulatory representation at the State and Federal levels, and providing responsible services for its members to enhance and protect the quality of life in rural California counties. To learn more about RCRC, visit rcrcnet.org and follow @RuralCounties on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Source: RCRC



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