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Woodpecker Guides Post-Fire Forest Management

The Sierra Nevada in Northern California comes back to life after a wildfire. Photo by Jean Hall.

Woodpecker Guides Post-Fire Forest Management

New tool turns science into action

For release: April 25, 2023

Ithaca, NY—What’s good for the Black-backed Woodpecker is good for restoration of burned California forests. The birds’ unique relationship with fire underpins the latest research into improved post-fire management. A study published in Ecological Applications describes a new tool that factors how fires burn into forest management decisions and turns science into action for wildlife conservation.

“Wildfire is like a 10,000-piece puzzle, and climate change is rearranging the pieces,” said lead author Andrew Stillman with the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “Gigantic, severe fires are becoming the new norm in California due to drought, longer burn seasons, and dense forests. But birds do really well in landscapes that are ‘pyrodiverse’– areas where fire results in uneven patches burned at high, medium, and low severity.”

What pyrodiversity looks like: a mosaic of burned, partially burned, and living trees after a wildfire in Montana.
Photo by Jeremy Roberts,

Black-backed Woodpeckers love pyrodiversity. They prefer to build their nest cavities in newly burned areas after high severity fire. But they also like to be adjacent to an area that burned at low intensity where their young can hide from predators among living trees that still provide cover. The species’ unique habitat associations means that they are sensitive to the removal of trees after fire, and forest managers use information on the woodpecker to guide their post-fire planning.

After a wildfire, forest managers face difficult decisions about how to best protect and restore the burned areas while balancing the needs of people and wildlife. Sometimes there isn’t time to survey wildlife in burned areas, making it hard to choose where to invest in wildlife conservation. To address this need, the researchers developed an online tool to predict the potential abundance of Black-backed Woodpeckers after fire. Incorporating new information on the value of pyrodiversity made the underlying models more accurate.

Black-backed Woodpecker at its nest in a burned tree. Photo by Jeremy Roberts,

“The tool we’ve created uses data from 11 years of surveys to predict where woodpeckers could be found in the greatest numbers using data available within months after a fire burns,” said Stillman. “The birds move in to take advantage of a boom in juicy beetle larvae in the burned trees.”

The online tool uses many layers of information, starting with a satellite-derived layer of burn severity that forest managers can upload. That layer is then used to assess pyrodiversity based on how much forest canopy has been lost. Other datasets on woodpecker home ranges, vegetation type, latitude, longitude, elevation, years since a fire burned, and more, are also integrated.

The new tool will save time and effort after a wildfire and is meant for forest managers, conservationists, and private landowners. It is hosted by The Institute for Bird Populations in partnership with the USDA Forest Service. Though currently set up for California, the methods hold promise for other regions and species.

“A burned forest is a unique, incredible, and complicated ecosystem that bursts with new life,” Stillman said. “At first you think everything is dead. The ground is ash. The trees are black. But as you start walking around, you find that the place is alive. It’s not dead, just changed.”

Andrew N. Stillman, Robert L. Wilkerson, Danielle R. Kaschube, Rodney B. Siegel, Sarah C. Sawyer, and Morgan W. Tingley. Incorporating pyrodiversity into wildlife habitat assessments for rapid post-fire management: a woodpecker case study. Ecological Applications. April 2023. DOI:

This research was funded by the Joint Fire Science Program of the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Forest Service, the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, and The Institute for Bird Populations.


EditorsDownload images. The use of this material is protected by copyright. Use is permitted only within stories about the content of this release. Redistribution or any other use is prohibited without express written permission of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology or the copyright owner.

Media Contact:
Pat Leonard, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, (607) 254-2137,



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Over the Garden Fence – Planting Conifers for Post-Fire Forest Restoration

Planting Conifers for Post-Fire Forest Restoration 


March 14, 2023 – Ron Allen, UC Master Gardener, Mariposa County – The Oak Fire (July 2022) devastated large parts of the ponderosa pine forest in the mountains east of Mariposa. Wooded Over the Garden Fencelandscapes on private properties and substantial areas of the adjoining Sierra National Forest were affected. This article explains how to plant conifer seedlings for post-fire forest restoration.

The conifer plant materials for reforestation are not large potted or crated trees, but rather seedlings in smaller tree pots or plugs. Potted seedlings—about one- to two-feet high—still come in standard, cylindrical one-gallon nursery containers, but are nowadays more commonly grown in tapered, ribbed plastic containers which are square in cross-section. These small trees are typically two to three years old. The plugs are smaller, cylindrical tubes, about two inches in diameter. Plug trees are cheaper, less hardy, and generally only a year old post-germination.

When purchasing pot or plug seedlings, it is tempting to select plants that are taller, anticipating that they will grow sooner to a desired height. But, instead, one should favor plants that are thicker at their base; they have a higher success rate for survival, owing to the likelihood of their having better root structures. Seedling survival is the key.

MG OTGF Tree starters smPlanting a potted seedling is straightforward. Clear the spot of any slash to expose the underlying soil. A site on the shady side of a stump or log is perfect. With a post-hole shovel (a drain spade), dig a hole about twice the volume of the tree pot and deep enough so that the pot soil matches the surrounding ground level. Tip the potted plant over, letting it slide out, and settle it into the hole. Refill the hole with native soil.

In the case of a very hot local fire—indicated by the presence of white ash in the immediate area—add some mycorrhizal fungi soil amendments. Otherwise, native soil is best for refill. Level off the spot around the plant.

Planting a plug seedling is similar, but the hole is much smaller. It is important to ensure that the lower portion of the plug is firmly surrounded by soil when the hole is closed. Professional foresters—with many plugs to put down–use a special tool, called a hoedad, for this purpose. The hoedad is a short-handled hoe with an elongated blade. The planter strikes the blade into the ground and wiggles the handle to and fro so as to create a v-shaped indentation. The seedling plug is dropped into the depression. Then the hoedad is struck again into the ground adjacent to the plug and the handle pressed down, so that the deep blade closes the lower soil around the plug’s lower roots. With a stomp of the boot from above, the forester closes the planting hole. An accomplished forester does this in 30 seconds.

Pot or plug seedlings should be separated by ten to twelve feet for reforestation projects. If the target landscape is well-watered, the survival rate is approximately 75 percent. When the landscape water is less reliable, the survival rate falls to about 30 percent.

Appropriate conifers for reforestation after the Oak Fire are Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Knobcone Pine, Incense Cedar, and Douglas Fir. Future reforestation articles will cover broadleaf tree reforestation, post-fire planting of shrubs, and meadow restoration.



Related: Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 5

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 4

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 3

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery: Part 2

Over the Garden Fence – The Partnership Between Humans and Nature During Fire Recovery



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Funding, Training, and Home Hardening News – 13 February 2023

Dear Yosemite-Mariposa IRWM members and stakeholders,

1. The Bureau of Reclamation is making approximately $80 million from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law available for water conservation, water management, and restoration projects that will result in significant benefits to ecosystem or watershed health. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided $8.3 billion for Reclamation water infrastructure projects over 5-years to advance drought resilience and expand access to clean water for families, farmers, and wildlife. The investment will repair aging water delivery systems, secure dams, complete rural water projects, and project aquatic ecosystems.

More information on this funding opportunity can be found by clicking here. Applications are due on March 28th at 3 pm. A recording was held to discuss eligible applicants and project types, program requirements, and the evaluation criteria. To view the recording, please click here. Please note that Microsoft Teams is required to view the recording, which is a little under 2-hours long.

2. The Mariposa County RCD is launching its Home Hardening program Countywide. We will be providing free site assessments, which will include a list of recommended hardening measures, and free installation of ember screens for attic and crawlspace vents, or vegetation clearance from 5 feet of building foundations. If you are interested in participating, or want to share with your networks, the enrollment process is to send an email titled Home Hardening with the applicant name, address, and phone number to We will be in touch to schedule a site assessment.

3. Prescribed Fire training. Join CCTREX for the Central Coast Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (CalTREX)! The event will take place on June 3 – 10, 2023 througout the MontereyBay Region (San Benito, Monterey, Santa Cruz counties) and have a home base in Carmel Valley!

CCTREX firelighters will have 8 days of burning and training on diverse lands, learning and working alongside fire practicioners, tribal partners, ranchers, land managers, and community members to meet numerous objectives with “Good Fire”. The application deadline is February 28th, and the fee is $220. Apply now!


4. Two announcements from PG&E that may be of interest:

To help offset higher than normal natural gas and electricity bills, residential customers will automatically receive the California Climate Credit earlier than usual this year. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved distributing the credit as soon as possible, instead of the annual April timeframe.

PG&E recently launched its Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate Program, providing qualified residential customers up to $4,000 when purchasing or leasing a pre-owned EV. The program aims to distribute more than $78 million to promote the adoption of EVs and make EV ownership more affordable for all customers. We also launched a pre-enrollment website for customers interested in joining the company’s three upcoming Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) pilot programs, offering customers financial incentives to integrate new bidirectional EV charging technology, which allows a customer’s electric vehicle to become a mobile battery, capable of storing electricity that can be used to provide onsite power or send power back to the grid during periods of peak electricity demand.

Thank you for your participation in the Yosemite-Mariposa IRWM program.

Melinda Barrett
Mariposa County RCD

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